Hi Philipe,
Regarding your questions about the bracing of the Hummingbird.
I used Scalloped bracing forward shifted because it was a request of the customer.
The difference is mainly on the bass response. with scalloped bracing you can have more bass, more freedom with less weight on the Top , on the otherside no scalloped you have better presence on the mediums frequencies. Back then on the 1962 the bracing was really light. so the guitars have really good balance.
This particular MV Custom hummingbird is made on the 2013 and from the start had really good ballance and tone all over the neck.
if you have more questions please don’t hesitate to ask
best regards
Vardakis Manolis
MV Custom guitar Team
Hi from France,
In the original ’62 guitars, the bracing is not scallopped, but in yours, you use “X-brace forward shifted scalloped”
Why ?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Hi Philipe,
Regarding your questions about the bracing of the Hummingbird.
I used Scalloped bracing forward shifted because it was a request of the customer.
The difference is mainly on the bass response. with scalloped bracing you can have more bass, more freedom with less weight on the Top , on the otherside no scalloped you have better presence on the mediums frequencies. Back then on the 1962 the bracing was really light. so the guitars have really good balance.
This particular MV Custom hummingbird is made on the 2013 and from the start had really good ballance and tone all over the neck.
if you have more questions please don’t hesitate to ask
best regards
Vardakis Manolis
MV Custom guitar Team