MV Custom D-28 reissue Sound February 6, 2014/0 Comments/in Sounds and Videos /by ebardakisSound Demo of MV Custom Played by Nick Alexakis A cover From Nick Alexakis with MV Custom Guitar
MV Custom HummingBird Sounds February 6, 2014/0 Comments/in Sounds and Videos /by ebardakisStrumming Demo, Played by Jean Petrov Picking Demo, Played by Jean Petrov
MVCustom D28 1938 reissue January 30, 2014/0 Comments/in Projects, Uncategorized /by ebardakisPart1 Part2 Part3 s
Dreadnought plans and bracing January 8, 2014/0 Comments/in Plans /by ebardakisWe are posting some plans for the most popular guitar shape, the Dreadnought D28 and Gibson Hummingbird 1960s …. Dreadnought_plans Dreadnought_topbracing Dreadnought_Back braces sidesdimentions Plans are property of the MV Custom guitars team, can not be used or published in other web sites. Authentication for personal use only.
Gibson Hummingbird 1962 – 1963 – 1974 Bracing January 8, 2014/2 Comments/in Plans /by ebardakisHummingbird 1962 inside top bracing HummingBird 1963 HummingBird 1974
Luthier Plans Links January 8, 2014/0 Comments/in Plans /by ebardakisVery usefull Luthier plans: